5 surprising benefits of math tutoring

1. More confidence An overall boost in confidence is a great benefit from math tutoring. When students make mistakes on assignments & tests in class, they’ll start to hesitate with speaking up, asking questions, and engaging in class. Students are more likely to participate without the fear of getting an answer wrong when they’re more […]
5 fun tech tools to improve math comprehension (k-12)

1. Sum Dog Sum Dog is a scientifically proven & evidence based tech tool that gamifies learning for K-8. The practice games are aligned with the common core and most state standards. There are in game rewards like coins that make it more enjoyable & fun for students who play. Additionally, they provide iPad & […]
5 Tech tools your teen can use to improve their reading comprehension

1. Newsela Newsela is a tech solution that helps students improve their reading comprehension by having built in activities with each text that students read. They provide thousands of real-world texts (non-fiction) to engage students with different interests. Each piece of text is also available in 5 reading levels to help students start where they […]